GW特集 My first month at Kashima Junior High School
ALTのNatasha先生 が、鹿島中に着任してからまもなく1か月になります。先生がこの1か月間に経験したことや思ったことなどをエッセーにしてくださいました。ヒントを参考にしながら、読んでみましょう。
My first month at Kashima Junior High School
I can't believe it's already been a month! It has gone faster than I thought. The short span so far has been nothing but amazing with the friendly teachers and students of Kashima Junior High school.
I was very excited and nervous on the first day of school, but the teachers were very welcoming in the staff room and I felt very comfortable and at ease from day one.
I was amazed to discover that Kocho sensei could speak fluent English so it made Kashima all the more special.
The English teachers I work with are all very talented individuals, they have been very helpful and I enjoy working with them.
The students are very well behaved and friendly, I love how they always greet me whenever they see me outside the class. Every day has been very pleasant here, and every morning I look forward to coming to work.
Thank you very much to the Kashima Junior High school family for your warm welcome and kindness, I look forward to making many wonderful memories with you.
Enjoy your holidays! And let's enjoy School life together. ^_~
Your ALT Natasha
・I can't believe~: ~だとは信じられない
・already: すでに、もう
・a month: 一ヶ月
・It has gone faster than~: ~よりも早く過ぎてしまった
・short span:短期間
・so far:今まで
・nothing but amazing with~:~へのおどろきしかない
・be excited:わくわくする
・be nervous:緊張する
・at ease:安心して
・all the more:いっそう
・enjoy ~ing:~することを楽しむ
・well behaved:礼儀正しい
・I love how:~の仕方が大好きです
・look forward to ~ing:~するのを楽しみにしている