


My sporting hobbies include playing basketball, soccer, volleyball, badminton, and dominoes. I like basketball the best but I can play all the others well. These sporting activities allow me to think fast before I make a move towards the opponent because one bad move costs you the whole game. Also, playing these sports on a regular basis, helps me stay mentally fit and also keeps me aware at all times.


Key words amd phrases



・all the others:他の全て

・sporting activity:スポーツ活動

・allow -to~:-が~するのを可能にする、-が~するのを許す

・make a move toward ~:~に向かって動き出す



・bad move:下手なやり方

・cost -~:-に~を失わせる


・on a regular basis :定期的に

・mentally fit :精神的健康

・keep aware:意識を集中させておく




